
Streetlight digital

Shining a Light on Your Mission


Who We Are

We’re a team of digital experts dedicated to helping nonprofits navigate the marketing and fundraising landscape to reach their goals.


What We Do

Consider us an extension of your in-house marketing and fundraising team. We provide full-spectrum support with excellence. We go “all in” for the organizations we serve and will give you everything we’ve got to reach your goals. 

Strategic Planning

Every successful project begins with a clear and concise strategy, formulated with measurable goals and objectives. With that solid strategy in mind, we identify the best tactics and channels to fulfill those goals.  

Paid Advertising

We can strategically use a small budget (and your Google Ad Grant!) to make a large impact. Through effective copywriting, design, targeting, and continuous optimization, we ensure your organization sees a return on this very important investment.

Email Marketing & Fundraising

Inboxes and social media channels are cluttered, with so much competition for attention. We work to cut through the clutter, delivering the right message, at the right time, to the right audience - turning casual readers into supporters for both P2P and DR programs.

Peer-to-Peer Platform Support

We provide platform analysis, full Luminate blueprint development, and optimization of DonorDrive, Classy, Neon, and more, We have the technical and strategic background to help your program fully use your fundraising platform for optimized results.

Technology Support & Website Development

From website development to marketing automation and database integration, we ensure the tools in your toolbox are maximized to support your mission and goals. We have a team with deep technology experience to make you successful.

Analytics & Reporting

Before we begin a new project, we make sure systems are in place to measure our work. Everything we do, every task we complete, is measured and reported back to the client. Sharing measurable results at the end of each month is the best part of the job - proving our value and identifying new opportunities.


We keep good company

We’ve written the latest roadmap for peer-to-peer and digital direct response program success and have been proud to ride alongside the best nonprofit partners on the journey.

“Partnering with Streetlight was singlehandedly the best decision we made for our digital direct response program. Their approach to surround-sound storytelling that drives relevance and fundraising urgency filled an organizational need that we would never have been able to handle internally. Their flexibility and entrepreneurial attitudes were the perfect fit for our culture, and they’ve become extensions of our team.”
— Tara Ingram, Armed Services YMCA

Let’s chat

We’d love to hear from you! Let's discuss your marketing and fundraising goals. Send us a note for a free consultation.